Kumpulan link untuk belajar UX Design


Iosi Pratama

Sudah 1 bulan lebih saya belajar tentang UX Design. Sebuah ilmu yang memang saya suka dan ingin pelajari dari dulu. Dibawah ini kumpulan resources yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk belajar UX Design. Resources ini terus saya perbarui.

Blog, Tutorial and Tips on UX, UI and Usability

https://www.nngroup.com/ - Nielsen Norman Group

http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/ - Smashing Magazine

http://usabilitynotes.typepad.com/  Usability notes by Chris Baker

http://www.useit.com/alertbox - Jakob Nielsen's official website on usability

http://www.informationdesign.org/ - InfoDesign: Hand-picked since 1997

http://www.webcredible.co.uk/user-friendly-resources/ - An studio design thoughts on experience design, innovation, UX, digital etc.

http://www.uxmag.com/ - UX Magazine Articles

http://www.boxesandarrows.com/ - Boxes and Arrows is devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design—including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture, and the design of business.

https://jpattonassociates.com/blog2/ - A Blog from Product Owner Specialist Jepp Patton

http://www.alistapart.com/ - For people who make a website

http://www.uxmatters.com/ - Insight and inspiration for the user experience community

http://www.uxforthemasses.com/ - UX for the masses

http://www.uxbooth.com/ - The UX Booth is a publication by and for the user experience community.

http://flow-interactive.com/thinking - View the latest blogs, reports and videos from experience design agency Foolproof

http://uxdesign.com/ - UXdesign.com publishes articles and essays on professional interactive media management, design, and quality assurance.

http://52weeksofux.com/ - Weekly insights into better UX practices

UX and Interactive Innovation Company Website


Information + Graphic



Style Guide Resources


UX Project Checklist


Free UX Online Course

UXD : https://www.springboard.com/learning-paths/user-experience-design/learn/

Human Computer Interaction : https://class.coursera.org/hci/lecture

UX Newsletter


UX QA / Forum


Design System

https://designsystemsrepo.com/ - A Collection of Design system resources

http://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/ - Atomic Design by Brad Frost

https://www.designbetter.co/design-systems-handbook - Design System Handbook

https://medium.com/@nathanacurtis  - Medium Blog about Design System from Nathan Curtis

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